Tepee Nopah 1941:

July 3- Arrived ok, Mother, Ruth and I. Found everything ok. Grass cut, boat ready, though Fred had taken my row boat out and used it all those months through  to July 5. The Peterson boat he'd used two weeks with a motor on it. Our trip up was uneventful. Ruth is a nice little driver and after  395 miles through Ft. Dodge, Albert Lea we reached Owatonna for our first stop. Had supper as we had had a home made lunch en route at noon. Mother was very tired and went to bed early. She was fine in the morning. Our cabin at Shady-Rest in Owatonna was fine, new, with private toilet, shower and hot/cold running water in each room. Also had nice gas heaters. We were very comfortable. Arrived at the point at 4:30. Fred helped us unload car into the "Aksarben" and came over here driving myself. Made good landing. Fred helped nicely though he was heavy with liquor. He had the canoe out and ice in the refrigerator. Next morning Fred fixed the sink, moved swing, chimney tops, etc., etc.

Third day Fred graveled the path, planted the lilies, fixed the motor and put it on the boat! He was drunk but he worked well. On the 4th and 5th day I told him I would not sell my row boat to him. He was mad as a March Hare. He left in a hurry and in 10 minutes was back with my boat which he had had at his place all the time.

When he came back he was mad and drunk and barged into my house and said, " See her Mrs- I've a bone to pick with youse". He was shouting and laying me out for, as he said, I';d told Mrs Fay he had to dress up to work for me. Of course that is not so, but he was too drunk to argue with. Then he said he was through with us all of the caretaking, boats and all... I said "OK, Fred that's fine, I can get someone else to take care of my place. And I told him to get out. We were scared and sorry for Fred too - but he is no good anymore! (HMF)

July 9: We are all settled now and getting along nicely. Harold Miller is our new caretaker and quite competent. We went to town (Tower) monday for mailing some important letters and purchases. Fred came over with the key this evening and wanted his money, but I want to hear from Mr. Fay first. Fred damaged the row boat and I want to hold him for it.

Today and been warm, too warm to stay in the house at 2 PM. Last night about 5 a big rain storm came up, but the house was prepared and everything water tight. Tonight is the first time we've all sat out on the porch until 9PM.  HMF.

Monday July 21.- All done with Fred - though uncomfortable as he still raved. He said he'd sue me, etc., tho he refused to let me pay him...we think because Harold there. However Harold was having trouble with Fred too on his own hook and went over and called the Sheriff. He came over later after I'd seen Fred again and paid him- I would not sign a warrant for his arrest. So Fred is still around but never comes near us.

All is going well. Fires to make each day, but this morning was warmer than any yet (70) Harold comes down and carries water each day and Ethel and I carry water and wood. We've had lots of rain, so woods are all soaked. Glad of that. Am expecting Bob and Dad in 10 days or two weeks Today nice and windy. Mother Ok  HMF

July 31, 1941- 7:30AM 67 degrees. Warm and quiet. While at breakfast Esther Garner Bitney, Louis and son Gerald  Bitney came over. Stayed the morning. Gerald played in the water with Bobs sailboat and went rowing later. I took them for a ride in the Aksarben and to the Point (ROF note: "Point" is Grubens store and boat storage Marina - and is short for ARROWHEAD POINT!) They are en route to Duluth and the North Shore. We are expecting Dad tomorrow. He left home 5AM today.- HMF

August 11 Monday (Washday-wotelse?) Wash out and drying Temp this morn. was 67. I (OJF) arrived at Virginia on the 1st day of August. Ruth and Hannah met me by auto 2:37 PM. Have had good weather for work and swimming and making benches etc....

On Friday the 8th a black bear appeared in the back yard much to Ethel's astonishment. Family were all down front but scurried into the house and viewed "his orneriness" from the rear porch. H tried some pictures and we'll see later with what success. Ruth and I attended a party at the Mantz cottage last night. About 60 present.
Saw 2 deer at Fays as we went down. Came home in the rain and were soaked. Walked home because the boat was out of the water, being painted. Met several old timers. (Smith, Ross Clemens, Kreatch,) and later ones Zelliot, Mantey--- All going well with us. Mother Ferriss, Hannah, Ruth, Ethel and me - (OJF)

Thursday Aug 21,1941 -
Joyce Junge has been here a week and just went back today. H and R took her to Virginia, where they met her last Thursday Joyce and Ruth were very chummy and we all enjoyed her. Her family has been at Pelican Lake.

While the folks were gone today a black bear appeared on the shore in the cove behind "Peanut". He strolled along and disappeared in the reeds along the waters edge about where the old dock was. Mother, Ethel and I had good looks at him. Rainy today and cool. Fire all day. Seems to be clearing tonight. Mother Hoover has been ill, but reports improvement (Grand Island)  (OJF)

August 28, 1941: Tomorrow I desert the family and bus it for home via Virginia, Duluth, Omaha. Lincoln. Will spend night in St. Paul or Mpls. Bob will take my place beginning about monday for the remainder of the stay (about 10-12 days). Weather is rainy by spells, and cooler. Had one 41 degree morning. Today - dark. No more bears since a week ago. A surprise package from Lincoln brought a USA flag. Comp. of Joyce Junge. Fine! For our old one was getting quite badly faded.

Had a good swim yesterday but it wasn't repeated today. Grandma has gained 7 pounds and Ruth 8 lbs., H 2-1/2 lbs., I (?)  OJF.

Friday, Sept. 5, '41 -Olin went home a week ago today. We miss him much. Bob was to come Sunday, but a wire plus a bus strike changed everything and he did not arrive. until wednesday noon. We were pretty worried for 48 hours. He had many trials and misses. Bus to train at Chicago, got train by minutes. Lost a pair of shoes in train. It has rained heavily for days. Many changes of clothes from outside to inside. Hard to get clothe dry. Bob brought everything he owns dirty. He is well, but tired. We will be glad to leave here. It's cold and damp. High winds make boat a wet proposition. Waves are bad.  HMF

Sept 7, 1941-  Today temp went down to 47. It has been cold and windy and damp for 4 or 5 days. Yesterday the sun came out and the wind went down - many trees are down. Mrs. Fay fell yesterday in a chuck hole and tore ligaments in her knee. Is in pretty bad shape.  While Bob, Ruth and I had gone over to see her a tree on lot 8 (?) fell between the canoe and the pump. Mother never heard it fall. Fires keep one going. Lots of wood to carry and burn...to keep warm. Hope to get off for home this Thursday, Sept 11th. Ethel will stay till we go.  HMF
(Years temps were listed in back of this log)

(to 1942)