March, 1933

Good Will As An Asset


 A COMMITTEE was very carefully considering various names, as they wished to make a selection of a leader for a general activity in a certain community. Here was A, who had been a consistent worker over a term of many years; well and favorably known to the committee as a leader; one who was interested in the movement being promoted. But it was decided that he was unlikely to elicit any spontaneous response among the people of the community, because he was not in their consciousness as someone whom they would like to follow. His name had their respect, as a name, but the desire to follow him would have to be created.

The group turned to others, and finally decided upon 0. a fine fellow who, they felt. would command an immediate interest, of the "non-dutiful" type. People would listen because it was he who talked. He would have their active good will, from the start.

Another instance occurs to me, in which just the opposite condition existed. A movement was under way which seemed to lie in line with popular opinion. Judged upon its own merits, it might expect wide support. Yet, I heard men say, "Perhaps it is all right, but I can't find any satisfaction in lining up behind the man who is its spokesman. I just have to discount whatever he does or says."

Others, there are, of this same type. I know of one man who has learned to suppress his name in connection with matters he wishes to promote, tho the movements he backs are not of the selfish type. Nor is he connected with any of those much maligned and oft suspected public servants, the public utilities.
In public utilities, we have notable examples of the effects of good will or the absence of good will. A street railway, a telephone system, a railroad, may suffer continuing losses of patronage because of public ill will. Or, it may succeed in establishing itself in the esteem of the public in such a way that it is not criticized and abused all of the time—that it is believed and respected—that it may have the cooperation of its patrons at any time.

Private businesses need this good will. "The customer is always right," "Service, not Self", "He  profits most who serves best." These phrases, and many others like them, attest the value that business places upon good will.

And. we, individually, cannot thrive without the good will of our associates. The professional man —doctor, engineer, lawyer, preacher—depends almost wholly upon the friendliness of the public to supply him with clients or parishioners. Good will, based upon confidence, is back of almost every professional service-Likewise it needs to be back of every personal service if that service is to be most effective. Out of it come our most satisfying social experiences and relations.

We need mutual good will between faculty and students, and among students themselves.  You will enjoy your work more. get more benefit from it. establish a better standing among your fellows, look forward to later occupation more confidently, become more of an optimist, if you actively practice good will.
Good will is an asset—socially and economically. None there is who can afford to ignore it.


ONE of the biggest questions in the whole wide world at this moment is "Where is there a job?" In a few more weeks, school will be out—for some of you, the last session you will ever attend—and every one of you will look longingly, if not expectantly, at the houses of business, the factories, the offices, the fields. And jobs will not be forthcoming. What should you do?

I can not answer the question satisfactorily, but, nevertheless, will you allow me to say a few words about the situation?

First. I would advise you to hold up your heads and your hearts—be courageous, and look ahead. The future will mend. Be ready for that time.

Second. Do not overlook any opportunity that there may he. small tho it be. We are not down to absolute zero, and some things need carrying on. even now.

Third. If you can start something yourself, do it. Don't be rash, but, now is an excellent time to begin, in a small way. a service that may grow with time, and with increase of industrial activity. You may find, by careful search, some particular type of service that is peculiarly needed in these times of stress. Search for such needs.

Fourth. Don't stand on your dignity. You'll get your feet wet.