ONE of the most thought-provoking meetings that I have ever attended—as well as inspirational—was that at the winter session of the A. I. E. E., in New York City, Thursday, February 16, 1928.   We assembled in the Engineering- Auditorium at 9:30 in the morning. A moving picture was shown, detailing the apparatus required and the processes involved in the operation of transAtlantic radio telephony.

Two speakers explained the problems connected with the establishment and operation of this newest of public-utility service offerings. It was announced that an overflow audience occupied the second auditorium of the Engineering Societies building, and that in London there were also the main hall and an overflow meeting in a large second room. With dramatic simplicity, our President Gherardi announced that in thirty seconds communication would be had with London. The chairman presented the microphone to him, and with only the slightest evidence of hesitancy, he addressed his London listeners.

"Good morning, Mr. Page," he said.

The next three seconds seemed to lengthen into minutes, as we held our breaths.  Then, clear, distinct and loud came the reply, "Good afternoon, Mr. Gherardi!"  In relief and amusement, we laughed. Although it was 10:30 A. M. in New York, it was 3:30 P. M. in London.

Mr. Page was then asked to preside over the two bodies, separated by the broad Atlantic. He accepted, most gracefully, and proceeded with a half hour's program fully heard and appreciated by the four audiences —two in London, two in New York. Speakers ad-dressed us from New York, then London, alternately. They were Mr. Gherardi. Mr. Page. Mr. Jewett, Col. Purves, Mr. Carty, Sir Oliver Lodge. As each spoke. and the greetings and messages were so plainly and simply given, our suspense and our doubts gave way, and our awe and our wonder grew. As Col. Purves spoke in London, an Englishman sitting at my elbow whispered to me, "I know him.and his voice is most natural."

Col. Carty (N. Y.) read a resolution which he presented to the joint meeting.   Sir Oliver Lodge (London) seconded the motion. The two bodies voted upon the question, by acclamation, and heard each other's "ayes". Even the hand clapping and the "Hear. hear," were distinct to all.

In the Bell System Technical .Journal, Messrs. \\'right and Silent state that the routing for the New York-to-London service is by wire from New York to Rock Point, L. I.; by radio to Cuper, Scotland; by wire to London. The distance involved is 3,200 miles. The return route is by wire from London to Rugby: by radio to Roughton, Me.: by wire to New York.  This is only 2,900 miles. Radio thus constitutes about 85 per cent of the total distance traveled. Transmission from terminal to terminal requires about one-fifteenth of a second, of which time only a quarter is used in the radio link.

It is likewise impressive to note that the voice power strength is so quickly absorbed that it must be amplified at sixteen successive points along the line in order to lie discernible at the receiving station. The continued product of all of these amplifications is said to approximate 10^40. or 1 with fortv cyphes after it. and this colossal number indicates the degree of multiplication of power required. Yet, this amplifying is so well done that the waves are not distorted, and my English friend "recognized" the voice of Col. Purves.

Are you surprised that even President Gherardi, who arranged for this meeting, sighed a great sigh when the program closed, successful from first to last?
The engineering groups of study are different. Each group has its notable subjects to which students look back. with the satisfaction of mountain-climbers re-viewing their Alpine peaks. Thermo, hydraulics, A. C, Cal. etc., are examples. Such is the reputation of the work, that "only the brave" attempt the rewards. More honor to those who achieve outstanding success.

Witness the announcement in the Daily Nebraskan of March 25: Of the thirty-nine men in the University making average grades of 90 per cent or above, last semester, seven were engineers. They are Lynn T. Anderson, Elec. '30. Oneida. Kan.; Myron 0. Johnson, Civ. '30, Lincoln; Karl Schminke, Chem. '29, Nebraska City; Darrell E. Schneider, Elec. '30, Sterling; Lester E. Shoemaker. Elec. '29, Odell; Omar Snyder, Chem. '29. Arapahoe; Francis D. Yung, Agr. '30, Lincoln.

It is further noted, that of the four persons having standings of 95 per cent or above, the two men are engineers, above listed—Johnson, 95.6 per cent, and Anderson 93 per cent.

May their tribe increase!