Dean's Corner by O.J. Ferguson

To All New Students:

These are busy days, with the tasks of making fresh starts in school, in homes, in friendships—in fact, in all that goes to make up life. The job of organizing the demands upon your time, the making of a new schedule for all of these activities, is no small one, and upon the result of your attempt to systematize your work hinges your hope of success. Just now, in the first few days of your University life, you can make or mar, smooth or roughen the road you are about to travel. Make up your mind at the beginning of things that you will follow a definite plan for all of your work. Write out your class schedule, and around it build up a study schedule which will give regularly to each subject the time it will require.

During the first month, avoid all unnecessary out-side activities or diversions. First, learn to like your work. This may be done, for one generally becomes deeply interested in that which he does painstakingly. (Besides which, if you don't like this work, you don't belong here!)  During this time you can learn how heavy your University duties will be and how much time may remain for other purposes. This is early enough to decide upon what side issues may be under-taken in the limited time at your disposal.

But there are many things which can be done inci-dentally to the day's living and working. You can not hold your book before your eyes thruout all your waking hours. Nor is that the purpose of coming to the University, You are here to learn better to think. And your success in school, and hereafter in business or the professions, will be measured by your ability to think.

It is not the vastness of your knowledge, or the length of your tables of memories, which make you Wise. It is the ability to make your facts a working part of you which gives you strength of mind and wisdom.

Therefore, take time to think. Deliberate upon the ideas which are new to you, tho they may be older than the hills. Observe other men. Note their characteristics and their actions. Discern, if possible, their motives and their objectives. Piece together these bits of information. Weigh, cull, reject, preserve. But, above all things, build the worth-while things into your plan and philosophy of life—into yourself—until --you become a new individual, one with greater vision with better ideals, one with a wider horizon and fewer limitations.

Education is an intensifier. Be sure it invigorates your better qualities rather than your worse ones.


If you are poor—work.
If you are rich—continue to work.
If you are burdened with seemingly unfair respon-sibilities—work.
If you are happy—keep right on working. Idleness gives room for doubts and fear.
If disappointments come—work.
If sorrow overwhelms you, and love does not seem true—work.
When faith falters and reason fails—Just work.
When dreams are shattered and hope seems dead —work. Work as if your life were in peril. It really is.
No matter what ails you—work.
Work faithfully—work with faith.
Work is the greatest remedy available.
Work will cure both mental and physical afflictions. —Baltimore Sun.