By Dean Ferguson

EVERYONE who reads these lines will be more or less intimately engaged in educational activities. It is therefore without apology that I would direct your attention to an inquiry which may at first appear to be easily answered. Nevertheless, I surmise that its full consideration demands profound thought.

When May a Man Be Said to be Educated?

OR, to put it differently, what constitutes an educated man? When does he receive recognition as an intellectual disciplined man?

CERTAINLY education is not a process of filling an empty vessel— of piling high in the storehouse boxes of goods of wide variety. If one goes to college only to acquire information, let him buy an Encyclopedia Britannica, and go home. He wishes to make his mind into a warehouse, not a workshop.

YOU may suggest that we consider the derivation of the word "edu-cation." We find that educere means to draw out. But is a man edu-cated when he has developed his latent possibilities? Was the well-trained American Indian an educated man, if his inherent capabilities were fully developed and he became a woodsman, hunter and warrior? Or was he a mere craftsman?  Suppose a man sets tasks for himself, turns wheels of in-dustry, builds bridges, harnesses water power, carries burdens, but ignores his opportunities for contact with his fellows and for consideration of the great and greatest possibilities of both service and enjoyment?

IS he educated who has learned to esteem good literature, art and music; to feast his mind and drink his fill; but who is incapable of giving to others an effective day's work, or any measure of service?  In schooling himself in this self-centered appreciation of what surrounds him is he not too selfish, too narrow, too egotistic to be called educated?

WE have no particular delight in either of these characters, be the person ever so competent. He is not a good student, a good teacher, a good citizen. Education must have two-fold results. It must develop a man in his abilities to do and to be, to serve and to appreciate.

AN educated man is always somewhat of a philosopher, with both a qualitative sense of knowledge and a quantitative notion of its values and proportions. And this knowledge must be active rather than passive.

WHEN Aristotle was asked how the educated differ from the uneducated he replied, "As the living differ from the dead." But,—

Just When May a Man Be Said to Be Educated?